The Table of Jesus is a table of faith.
The Table of Jesus is a table of faith. The cup reminds us of Jesus’s trust in God—he allowed himself to be poured out, trusting that God would use the gift of his blood for our salvation.
As we take the cup, we remember that Jesus himself acted in faith—his faith was a complete surrendering of himself to God, trusting in God alone. In allowing his life to be poured out, Jesus gave up his own power and control. He freely laid down his defenses in obedience to God, for the sake of others.
When we come to the table, we receive the gift that comes to us because of Jesus’s own faith, and are also called to live by faith ourselves. We receive the cup which is Jesus’s blood poured out for our sake, and say to God, “If it is your will, we will be willing to be poured out as well. We again submit our lives to you, trusting you with all that we are."
Dec 11, 2022
Steven Hovater