“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘thank you’, it will be enough.”
Let your prayer today revolve around gratitude.
I suggest a small/big/small/big sort of rhythm, where you begin by praying for very simple, concrete things, like your morning coffee or the warmth of your bed. Give thanks for the movements of your fingers and the beating of your heart. Give thanks for breath. Give thanks for a moment of laughter, or for a chance to see somebody you love. You get the idea.
And then, let these little things move you to giving thanks for some of the bigger, maybe a little more abstract, things in your life. Give thanks for the love you share with people, or for the chance to have fruitful relationships or work. Give thanks for God’s grace and mercy. Give thanks for life itself.
After a while, move back to giving thanks for some more small, simple, concrete things. And then back to the bigger themes. Go on like this for a long as you wish, deepening your gratitude as you go.
We will never get to the bottom of the list of things for which we may give thanks.
Bring it all to God, who is the Giver of all good things.
Feb 15, 2023
Steven Hovater