It is in surrendering to the will of the One with all authority we enjoy freedom.
It is in surrendering to the will of the One with all authority we enjoy freedom. Contrary to popular modern theory, giving up is winning. Our nature doesn’t like this narrative. Jesus liked nothing better than to throw a wrench in the plans of the religious know-it-alls and showing how the plans of God’s Kingdom run counter to human expectations.
Especially in the practice of prayer, rather than composing David-ish prose, Jesus keeps its real and keeps it simple. He breaks down the basics of prayer and most importantly mimics the form of what he has taught. Take a look at Matthew chapter 6 and chapter 26. There’s the Teacher, teaching by example.
“Father, your will be done.”
“Not my will, but yours.”
Using a simple liturgy, Jesus demonstrates giving away getting his way as the exemplary prayer. Jesus’ love took the same form, giving power away for the benefit of others. When we pray, seeking in our hearts a posture of surrender, we receive the peace and presence of God in our hardest moments—just as Jesus did in his.
Feb 20, 2023
Steven Hovater