Contentment is not often something that just happens to us. Nor is it like a switch that we can simply turn on when we wish.
Contentment is not often something that just happens to us. Nor is it like a switch that we can simply turn on when we wish.
Contentment must be cultivated.
The soil of our hearts may be too cluttered and unprepared for it to grow well…we may have some rocks to move or some weeds to pull. Or, perhaps there are too many dead and withered branches in our lives, and we have some pruning work to do to trim away some of the lifeless things. Maybe there’s a parasite, something sucking the spirit of contentment straight out from our soul.
Or perhaps contentment has grown, hidden from our awareness. Perhaps a quiet contented spirit has been taking shape within us. Perhaps just under the surface we can discover simple joy and satisfaction, and we are ready for a season of thanksgiving.
Today, let your prayers invite the spirit to help you explore your soul’s contentment.
Where are you now?
What remains restless and unsettled?
Feb 12, 2023
Steven Hovater