“Prayer is the act of seeing reality from God’s point of view.” - Philip Yancey
“Prayer is the act of seeing reality from God’s point of view.”
- Philip Yancey
Today, let your prayer grow from a desire to see things as God sees them. If you are reading this in the morning, ask God to give you insight to see the people and places your will encounter today as they really are. If reading this in the evening, look back and reflect on what you’ve seen and whether or not that is how God might view things.
In prayer, our hearts reach out to God, to the one before who all is laid bare. God sees everything as it truly is—and indeed sees us truly as well. As we reach out, ask God to help us perceive things more clearly.
God, help us to see truly, that we may love more truly.
Feb 3, 2022
Steven Hovater