As we lean into our longings for the Lord, we come to grips with our inability to comprehend—much less control—God’s timing.
As we lean into our longings for the Lord, we come to grips with our inability to comprehend—much less control—God’s timing. Jesus reminds his disciples to stay awake, “for you know neither the day nor the hour.” (Matt 25:13) We certainly cannot force God’s hand!
To be sure, there are many times when our hearts say, “He’s late.” Or, “He should be here by now!” Or perhaps we would like to boss God around, saying, “Hurry up, already!”
Sometimes our prayers are like that. In times when our pain is intense, our longing may feel excruciating. Or perhaps we feel that urgency not for ourselves, but for others we know whose suffer unbearable. Perhaps it is even for strangers that our hearts break. God knows that in such times, our hearts cannot help but cry out, “Come, Lord Jesus.”
But sometimes, our hearts simply dwell on the longing, asking with the poets and prophets of Israel, “How long, O Lord?” Sometimes that question holds agony. Sometimes it is just our attempt to reach into the mystery of God’s timing.
How does the prayer of your longing feel today?
God embraces our longing hearts, no matter the nature of our longing. Today, let your prayer grow from the assurance of God’s embrace. Allow God’s spirit to help you know the longings of your own heart as deeply as God already understands them.
Dec 3, 2022
Steven Hovater