“We must lay before him what is in us, not what ought to be in us.” - C. S. Lewis
“We must lay before him what is in us,
not what ought to be in us.”
- C. S. Lewis
Lewis is right in the quip above—it will do us no good at all to pretend in prayer to be otherwise than we are. The good news is that God welcomes us to come, just as we are.
Prayer us a space in which we can take away any masks or illusions—no pretense is necessary. Whether we are happy or in distress, feeling apathetic or convicted, let us go to God in the simple honesty of who we really are in this moment, no matter how raw our emotions may be. The Psalms certainly witness to God’s ability to handle it!
Let your prayer today stretch towards greater honesty!
Feb 9, 2023
Steven Hovater