“When we pray we enter the real world, the substance of the kingdom, and our bodies and souls begin to function for the first time as they were created to function.”
“When we pray we enter the real world, the substance of the kingdom, and our bodies and souls begin to function for the first time as they were created to function.”
- Dallas Willard
Father, Christ, and Holy Spirit
You are in me and all around me.
May you be lifted to the highest by my voice and by those all over the world.
Help me today to love all who come in my path. For you are love and I want to be like you. Be it a smile, a listening ear, a cup of cold water, may I ever do only loving things in your name.
Help me speak out for justice and to be alert to the needs of others that I don’t know well but need an advocate. Help me to be bothered when others’ rights are violated. Diffuse my hopelessness with joy and energy to press on in love through opposition. May I ever do only loving things in your name.
Help me to love those closest to me with encouragement, nearness, compassion, patience, and empowerment. Help me to speak to them of your indwelling and guidance when times are bleak. Help us as a family to see the ways You are at work in the world so that we can join You and encourage each other to do only loving things in your name.
Help me to look at every person all over the world no matter their religious, political, or economic backgrounds as a cherished creation of yours. Help me to root for and aid the underdog and to not care when others criticize or misunderstand me by my alignment with them. May I ever do only loving things in your name.
When I am quick to rolls my eyes, turn aside, and be unloving, please forgive me and guide me back to the path set before me. When I am angry, help me to channel it as a vaccine against apathy but away from destruction. When I am wrong, help me ask those I’ve wronged for forgiveness. And help me to forgive those who offend me and love them anyway. May I ever do only loving things in your name.
Feb 13, 2023
Andrea Tappe