It is debatable as to when prayer is first mentioned or introduced in the Biblical text, but most arguments hold that the first prayers consist of humans having access to communicate with God.
It is debatable as to when prayer is first mentioned or introduced in the Biblical text, but most arguments hold that the first prayers consist of humans having access to communicate with God. The creation story naturally comes to mind. But there are two early interactions with God that often are overlooked in studies on prayer. Cain’s conversation with God after murdering his brother and Hagar’s visit from the angel of the Lord in the desert. These two scandalous figures in the text have dialogue with God.
Perhaps we’ve missed these two important conversations because they are had by “sinners.” What can we learn from a murderer or a woman who for all practical purposes is an adulterer (albeit she was asked to be a surrogate)?
In both of these conversations (1) God (or an angel of the Lord) initiates the contact, (2) God offers protection. God sees them and comes to them in their worst moments.
Hagar’s response should get more air time or shareable graphics– “You are the God who sees me, I have now seen the One who sees me.” Access to God is not barricaded. God sees us who have a narrative of shame or who have been scripted as the outcast by our community.
Our prayers may not always be initiated by us, but may come solely in the gift of God’s protective presence. When we cannot form words, or we fear we are untouchable, God sees us still and we are within God’s loving reach.
Feb 8, 2023
Erin Brogdon