Have you ever had the opportunity to meet a celebrity?
Have you ever had the opportunity to meet a celebrity? Maybe it's a politician or sports figure. For a few moments you interact and have a story to tell about how their generosity, or maybe they didn’t quite live up to your expectations of greatness.
There is certainly a human attraction to power which draws us to desire access to people with authority. We have been convinced that replicating, or reaching out to the powerful humans we see gains us access to a part of their greatness. This theory is not entirely incorrect, only misplaced.
In the gospels the overwhelming message is God is here with us in Jesus Christ and he has ultimate authority from God. Even in the first chapter of the New Testament, Matthew places this truth front and central. Jesus is Lord and is with you. More verses in Paul’s letters speak to the authority of Jesus and our access to this authority than any other singular message. For example, take Col 2:9, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.”
Further if we pay attention to Paul’s prayers, we are acutely aware that he urges Christ followers to pray with confidence in our direct access to the supreme and “all-mighty” authority of the universe. There is nothing outside the realm of God’s authority and through Jesus…everything, all creation, has direct access to God.
Prayer then is our privilege to honor and delight in this access. To listen and to respond to the supreme power of Love in every moment, without ceasing. Prayer is rolling out the welcome mat for God to have access to our lives in response to the access we have to divine love.
Feb 7, 2023
Erin Brogdon